Like every parent i could brag & boast and say my kids are the best, smartest, cutest, funniest, and on and on..
But, there is one trait, i can be extremely proud of and have all the right in the world to brag.. Their SWEETNESS!
My husband, myself, and the kids were at Mcd's (sitting inside, of course) and as our 3 yr old Lilly sits down, she looks over along the wall and sees a man with a hook for his left hand..
Oh course, she asks me, LOUDly, mommy, why does that man have a hook on his arm? She was really curious. By then the man was looking right at us, i know he had heard her and was listening for my response. I was a little surprised and embarrassed to be put on the spot.
I decided then to avoid the question until later.. I just told her because he needed it to pick up things, and to please don't stare, it's rude..
A few minutes later, little lady, had to go to the restroom. We passed the man and he looks up at us so i smile.. Lilly-sweet thing, looks at him and says i'm Lilly, nice to meet you. What's your name? The mans face lit up with a huge smile! She would of talked to him forever if i hadn't dragged her away.. LOL!!
When we got back to the table, she got back to eating and really surprised me: she had stopped starring and asking questions. Even as we were leaving, she made sure to say good-bye to the man and everyone else in the restaurant.
In the car, daddy and i explained to her that the man had lost his arm and used the hook to pick up things.
It amazes me how much kids put us on the spot all the time. Sometimes they even change your mind or opinion(s). Beyond teaching you things you didn't know, maybe they change your mood or something that causes realization or a reality check. Either way, every parent knows all kids are a blessing.
Kids should be encouraged to express their feelings and imagination. Let your child voice their own opinion! (But, stick to your decision~ Lilly sasses- says what she has to say, then is sent to her room for sassing till she says she is sorry and we discuss what happened) In my opinion, children should live in a monitored environment, not in a controlling environment.. They are more likely to respond positively if they are talked to instead of yelled at. (sometimes you can not help but to raise your voice- to demand authority or control of a situation)
Punishment is in time-out form. I don't like to spank my child. To me, that is teaching your child that it is okay to hit! Going to regret the spankings when your son is 4 ft taller than you and ready for the challenge!
We as parents may disagree on the spanking issue but, there is one thing that is agreed upon: It is important to listen to our children- they are our future and need our guidance to achieve their goals in life. We are their support and voice!
If we aren't listening to our children, Who is??
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